Don’t Forget to Take Care of Yourself Following the Election

I know that I am not alone in wishing the results of the 2024 election were different. I know that for many of us, the results of the election are making us feel down and depressed. Those feelings are valid. Allow yourself the time to grieve. Understand that you may go through stages of disbelief, bargaining, or acceptance (in this case, resignation might be more appropriate).

Whatever you are feeling, honor those feelings, but don’t forget to check in with your physical needs. Are you treating your body with respect and the care it needs? Remember to stay in the present moment. Eat food, drink water, and spend time with close and supportive loved ones. If we continue to do only what our depression tells us to do, it will get worse. Allow yourself to feel, but don’t neglect yourself in the process.

This is a stressful time for many. One of the best ways to burn off excess cortisol is physical exercise. If you are able, find different ways to incorporate movement into your schedule. It doesn’t have to be high-impact. Even a brisk walk will help you manage your stress levels. This is the time to focus on your physical, mental, and emotional resilience.

There will be a point for many folks where the emotions become a desire to take action. This is great. We will all have a part to play in resisting fascism. You are important! Your actions are important! Once you feel regulated, take the time to determine what you CAN do.

Action will be different for everyone. For some, it might be as simple as protecting loved ones. Others might get into activism, which has many branches. Will you be organizing mutual aid or marching in the streets? You might start writing, cooking, or turning to spiritual beliefs. Whatever you feel compelled to do, tap into that deeper strength. Ask yourself, “What can I do today that will make me proud later?”

I won’t pretend to know what will happen next. I do know that it is important that we show up for each other and ourselves. Things may not be easy, but there will be resistance. We will continue to be visible, support one another, and take action to protect those around us. 💙


Let’s Celebrate Polyamory Day with Canada This Month


Read Cultivating Connection with the Queer Haven Books’ Book Club!