Crisis Support

Use any of these hotlines or apps for mental health emergencies or crises. Many of the staff are also trained to help you if you are experiencing domestic assault or human trafficking. These lines are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, including weekends and holidays. (The LGBT National Hotlines are only staffed between 4 pm and midnight Mondays through Fridays and Saturdays from 12 pm until 5 pm ET.)

988 Suicide &
Crisis Lifeline

988 Lifeline can be accessed anywhere in the United States via telephone or text. Visit the website to learn more or use the chat feature.

Veterans Crisis Line
& Text

The Veterans Crisis Line and Veterans Crisis Text are for all current and discharged military personnel who are dealing with mental health challenges.

LGBT Youth Talkline

The LGBT Youth Talk Line is for youth up to age 25 who need to reach out to someone. There is also a weekly moderated chat room for anyone under 20.

Georgia Crisis & Access Line

Georgia Crisis & Access Line is for all Georgia residents. The app is available on Google Play and the App Store.

Crisis Text Line

Crisis Text Line is available 24/7/365. This option is perfect for folks who prefer to text, or need to use text messaging for whatever reasons.

LGBT Senior Hotline

The LGBT Senior Hotline is for folks age 50+ who are looking for help with crises, finding support or resources, and more.

Trevor Project

The Trevor Project offers both a hotline and a text line for LGBTQIA+ persons, especially youth. Visit the website to access their chat app.

Next Rung

Next Rung is made for and run by first responders in the US. They offer crisis support as well as resources for group and individual therapy.

Georgia Crisis & Access Line en Español

La Línea de crisis y acceso de Georgia está disponible en español. Llame o descargue la aplicación desde App Store o Google Play.


TransLifeline is available in both the US and Canada, for transgender, nonbinary, and any other persons who are not cisgender. TransLifeline also provides a multitude of resources for folks in need.

LGBT National Hotline

The LGBT National Hotline is for LGBTQIA+ folks of all ages who are in need of peer support, local resources, and more.

National Parent Helpline

The National Parent Helpline provides support for parents of all ages. Look under the Find Support link for resources by state, obtener recursos disponibles en Español.